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Orchestra Handbook 2022-2023


Courtnay Gildersleeve, Director

Orchestra Phone:  262-970-3779


Welcome Back!


Please reserve some time to review the entire 2022-2023 Orchestra Handbook.  The handbook will remain on the website all year, so please refer to it as often as you need to for orchestra information.


Do not forget to take a moment and mark your personal calendar with our events and concerts/performances.  Refer to it often as events may be added or modified.


With that, I will let you get to reading!  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns whatsoever. 

Orchestra Sequence

Symphony Orchestra – 9th & 10th Grade 


Chamber Orchestra –  11th & 12th Grade. High level of musicianship and reading skills is required. 


*Both Orchestras throughout the year will perform and learn repertoire that includes winds, brass and percussion-a symphonic orchestra experience.



Students will be assessed each quarter based on the following criteria:


10% Formative Assessments

90% Summative Assessments

              Students will be assessed on the following standards:

                    1. Perform & Create

                    2. Respond & Connect





Attendance is required for:


All Performances – This is a performance-based class, all performances listed on the calendar are summative assessments as it is the culmination of our learning. The proficiency level will be based on personal performance in tandem with a written performance reflection. Please see the calendar tab for performance dates.  In the event you have a scheduling conflict with a performance date, please contact me as soon as possible stating the reasons for possible absence or conflict.  Based on the circumstances, a make-up assignment will be given and will be due no more than 5 school days after the scheduled performance.  Unexcused absences at performances will result in a zero. 


  • Food, drink, and gum are NOT ALLOWED in any rehearsal or performance areas. Water is acceptable.

  • Respect the rights and property of others.


Orchestra Supply List

  • Personal Instrument

  • 1 inch, black three ring binder for concert music

  • Pencil

  • Violins/Violas –Shoulder Rest, extra strings, and rosin

  • Cellos/Basses - I have instruments for students to use during class.  Students are required to bring their home instrument to the concert or any in-school clinics/performances.



The following will be expected of all orchestra members:

  • Personal instruments (violins/violas) will be placed in an assigned locker or storage area. After class all instruments should be completely packed (end pins in and bows loosened) and stored in their assigned areas for safekeeping.  

  • All instruments are to be in good playing condition.  Proper maintenance is required. 

  • Students are expected to have rosin, shoulder rests, rock stops, cloths, sharpened pencils, good strings, etc.  

  • All instruments kept in the orchestra room during the day MUST have the students name clearly printed on the outside of the case. 



Performance and concert attire for all orchestra members is all black.  Every student is responsible for making sure their concert attire meets the program requirements.  The attire must meet a professional look and be appropriate for the concert stage.  Click HERE for specific details and visuals to ensure you purchase or assemble the correct attire. 


Private Lessons

Although your child receives valuable instruction in class, private lessons provides:

  • Review and reinforcement of class assignments when necessary. 

  • Earlier exposure to techniques such as vibrato, advanced bowing, shifting, and intonation.  

  • Expand opportunities for advanced solo instruction.

  • Greater confidence in their individual performing because of the individual attention private lessons provides.  

  • Heightened standard for group endeavors such as concerts and contests.  


Private lessons are not required, but is one of the best investments in a student’s success in learning to play a musical instrument!

    *See Mrs. Gildersleeve for more information  


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